Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Enjoying Memphis Beat?

Well, you've witnessed what life is like working the Memphis Beat.  Can't say it's all glamorous, that's for sure.  But it is what it is, and, well, with a city like Memphis, that's something to be proud of.

So, what do you think?  Have you enjoyed the adventure so far?  It's a tough beat, and I'm doing my best.  Trouble is, the criminals are doing their best too.  Plus, I need time to keep up my singing career.  That leaves me thinking that maybe it's time to deputize.

Sure, Lt. Rice says we don't have the budget for deputies.  But clearly she hasn't heard of this thing called the Internet.  Turns out we even get it here in Memphis!  And that means I can deputize anyone anywhere in the world through it.  So, what do you say?

We got a lot of work to do on our website.  We have to keep regular reports for the citizens of Memphis.  They need to know how their tax money's being spent.  Then there's the legwork of policing....research.  Not everyone is born with the gift of the gut feeling.  That's when good ol' fashion learning comes in handy.  You may have noticed that there's no information whatsoever on our website.  Well, looks like we need some detective interns to help us out.

So, kids, and grownups, send in your resumes.  Email me at and let me know how you'd like to assist us.  Be creative!  Let us know what you can do.  We definitely need some bloggers, that's for sure.  Sutton types slower than a 12 inch LP played at 16 23 rpm.  Whitehead, well, let's just say he's not exactly on speaking terms with computers.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Welcome to the Memphis Beat

We're all looking forward to Jason Lee's new TV show on TNT.  It's sure to be a huge hit!